Selalunye bile hari Rabu org asik sebut wordless Wednesday,but today nak pot pet skit...
I always have a problem with potential customer yang akan compare price with others yang offer cheaper price. I'm not going to elaborate more about other bakers ,itu hak mereka nak letak price macam mana..
But now I just want to explain to people why I fixed my cupcakes with certain price. I will only use pure creamy butter for my cake n cupcakes . Itu lah sebab2 utama harga cake n cupcake saya tak dapat di jual dgn harga yg murah. Pernah sekali ada potential customer mintak nak beli harga cupcake dgn RM1 per pcs (pengsan jap) Ok mmg la hari tu pernah jual pada pengusaha canteen kat office tu pd harga RM1 sbb masa tu nak promosikan product. Itu pun sanggup terima sebab bulk order sampai 400 pcs , dan fikir ia salah satu marketing strategy utk promote pada orang lain. Kalau jual harga RM1..mmg namanya saya bukan berniaga tapi buat kebajikan lah..sbb takde untung langsung..:(
Bahan utama cake,cupcake...ialah Butter n flour ...then comes sugar,eggs, milk...yada yada..
ok but main ingredient yang menentukan sedap atau tak..dan texture cake itu ialah Butter...
Apa tu butter:- Butter ni ialah hasil tenusu either fermented cream or fresh milk yang di churn. Kebiasaannya diperbuat dari susu lembu lah...Hasil churning milk or fermented cream ni ..akan form pepejal ..jadilah pure butter creammy...
Selalunya pure creamy butter yang boleh kita dapat di supermarket,hypermarket or bakery supplier dgn berbagai jenama seperti President, Lurpak,SCS, Anchor,Tatura. Ni contoh-contoh rupa bentuknya..ade yang packaging lain skit bila dah masuk pasaran Malaysia. Ade Unsalted dan Salted..pahe dok maksudnyo...hok salted tu masin lah..ade garam skit...sesuai la utk buat recipe cookies ke , Unsalted tu hok yang takde garam..
Buat pengetahuan Tuan/Puan, pure creamy butter ni harganya adalah tinggi sedikit ..Ikut brand dan product ni semuanya imported . Tgk kat gambar ,ade yg from France, Australia,NZ...owh ade satu yg famous tapi controversy sbb ade DNA yg haram iaitu Golden Churn ..that one mmg famous sejak zaman-zaman nenek2 kita dulu...
Diulang sekali lagi ini semua adalah pure butter yeah...sbb tu dia mahal...Ini bukan campuran minyak kelapa sawit ,or any ingredient minyak sayuran bukan hasil tenusu .Kalau ade tertulis campuran minyak kelapa sawit ,etc..maka itu bukan Pure Butter yer adik adik...
P/s: Pic courtesy from GOOGLE ,credit to the owner of the photo.
Bagi butter yg ade campuran minyak sawit , seperti butter jenama BUTTERCUP,FARMCOW , etc...butter tersebut sedap utk dibuat cookies yg ranggup2...buat cake pun boleh tapi texture cake nya akan lain sikit...tak segebu menggunakan pure butter. Kalau tak percaya buat la experiment dan compare kan keduanya. Kalau pure butter lebih moist n taste better ...Harga Buttercup ,Farmcow ni range from RM3-->RM4 utk 250 gm
Ia adalah bahan substitute kepada butter..kalau butter dari hasil tenusu binatang ternakan,margarine plak diperbuat dari plant fats(oil) or skim milk..Kebiasaanya harga margarine ni lebih murah dari product pure butter..
Here I found some interesting point from article
DO YOU KNOW...the difference between margarine and butter?Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats, at 8 grams compared to 5 grams. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a Harvard Medical School study.Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods. Butter has many nutritional benefits, where margarine has a only few, because they are added. Butter tastes much better than margarine, and it can enhance the flavors of other foods. Butter has been around for centuries, where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.
And now, for margarine, which...
- Is very high in trans-fatty acids.
- Triples the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Increases total cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol), and lowers HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol).
- Increases the risk of cancers up to fivefold.
- Lowers the quality of breast milk.
- Decreases the immune response.
- Decreases the insulin response.
And here's the most disturbing fact...
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC. This fact alone is enough to make you want to avoid margarine for life, as well as anything else that is hydrogenated. (This means that hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance.)
You can try this yourself:
Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or a shaded area. Within a couple of days, you will note a couple of things:
No flies, not even those pesky fruit flies, will go near it. (That should tell you something.) It will not rot or smell differently, because it has NO nutritional value. Nothing will grow on it. Even tiny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow on. Why? Because margarine is nearly plastic.
Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?
Kebiasaan for mass production , mereka akan guna margarine utk cupcake mereka ...sbb tu lah kekdg boleh dpt harga yg murah-murah.
Kalau nak cuba..beli lah cake yg di jual di Tesco tu dan compare dgn cake yg ditempah dgn bakers yang buat personalized cake..
Saya pernah beli cake di tesco ,saje2 nak buat minum2 petang.(masa tu maklumlah tak berapa pandai nak buat cake sendiri)
Juga pernah makan cake yg ditempah dari kedai bakery...bila bandingkan quality dan rasa product antara yg beli kat Tesco, dgn tempah di Bakery..sangatlah berbeza. Tak caye...sila la buat..Please try..nnt kata saya propa plak... CUstomer pun kene lah bijak, cake ni ade byk2 jenis, ade butter cake,ade sponge cake, dan fruitcake, argh mcm2 lagi la yer...
Pilihan di tangan kome...kome yg punye duit..kalau rasa kome nak murah..silakan purchase dari tempat2 yg jual murah..
Tapi kalau kome pentingkan rasa,quality dan nak personalized design cake ikut kesukaan kome...tempahlah dari Bakers yang bake ikut preference kome...tak kira la dah ade kedai or home based.
Kalau budget anda pada certain range, sila negotiate dgn bakers tu...maybe dia boleh substitute ingredient cake itu pada ingredient yang lebih murah. Harap ulasan ini dapat memberi pencerahan kepada mereka yang selalu merunggut kenapa mahal dan sebagainya.