Hye Tempting Heart's darlings..
Pertama sekali nak ucap thank you so much for your tremendous support , walaupun baru setahun lebih but Tempting Heart sudah pun pergi jauh..Alhamdulilah ,tak sangka juga dapat pencapaian sebegini. Walaupun masih banyak lagi yang perlu diperbaiki, dan begitu banyak ilmu-ilmu yang perlu di tambah. Terima kasih pada yang memberi kepercayaan kepada saya . You know who you are :D
Sebenarnya dah lama nak share mengenai satu article dari bakers yang berasal dari Canada Melissa Capyk. Di Facebook peribadi saya dah pernah lah share article ni ,dan ramai yang setuju. Kali ni saja nak share dengan pengunjung blog ni.
Why Does A CAKE Cost So Much?? Isn't it just a CAKE for God sake...
Welll, mmg lah ianya hanya sebiji cake..tapi percaya atau tidak bakers,cake designer akan spent time almost 2 days start from baking, frosting, decorating. Nak decorate cake saja amik masa dalam 6-8 jam, lebih-lebih lagi fondant cake. Itu baru sebiji cake..kalau cupcakes?? kalau quantity nya beratus-ratus?? Imagine...
So bayangkan lah berapa banyak tenaga yag digunakan? Bukan itu saja..please bear in your mind that cake decorating is an art ! Cake itu lah canvas kami..situ lah segala hasil seni yang kami pelajari dicurahkan. Bukan murah yer akak-akak ,adik-adik, Tuan-Puan cost untuk belajar decorate cake ni..Paling murah untuk basic buttercream deco class RM500 ,kalau class deco Fondant pula..dari 1k-3K ..belum lagi yang belajar special class utk sugar flower,figurine arhh to many to mention. So have a little respect to people yang terlibat dlm baking n decorating cake.

Cutting your competitor prices 10% every time is not a very solid strategy. You need to know what YOU have to charge to cover costs and what additional margin/prfoist you want on top of that. Once you work out the numbers,they speak for themselves .You will also quickly realize that just because a customer wishes to pay a certain value for your work, you might actually be losing money taking in that order or not even making any money at all. .Pahe dok? harga butter pun dah mahal, susu pun mahal now days,fondant pun sama . Kekadang competitor letak harga yang jauh lebih murah..ok la dia letak harga pernah tanya..the real ingredient yang digunakan. So bakers please jangan letak taraf hasil kerja anda begitu rendah. Kenalah bersepakat ..tapi tak tahu lah kalau nak buat kebajikan,doing it as a hobby..but wow..anda mesti ada begitu banyak wang dan masa yang terluang sbb sanggup spent time n money tanpa dapat apa2 imbalannya(keuntungan).

Sit back and relax ,take your time to read this article..sangat berguna..
Article by Melissa Capyk, Designer and Owner of
Brantford, Ontario
It’s just flour and sugar, right?
Not quite.
There is a huge range of things that go into creating your nuptial confection,
the ingredients being only a small part of that but lets start there.
In a “standard 3-tier, serves 120-150” cake, there can be as many as a dozen
eggs, 5 pounds of pastry flour, half a cup of real vanilla, several pounds of
unsalted butter,several bars of premium chocolate, and more! The frosting
may contain 3 or 4 more pounds of unsalted butter, another dozen or more egg
whites, and several pounds of sugar. If you have a fondant covering, add about
5-8 pounds of that.
Now you need equipment. While some of the basics are in nearly every
kitchen, not many home bakers have a set of tiered cake pans ranging from 6” to
18” (depending on your cake) and an oven that will fit the larger pans, a
heavy-duty stand mixer, professional grade food colours, piping bags and tips,
a rolling pin that can roll out a 2 foot diameter circle of fondant, and more.
Depending on the design of you cake, there can be hundreds of dollars of
specialized tools and molds required. There are boards and boxes to safely
deliver your cake and a vehicle large enough to securely transport your
In addition, there is the cake artist’s time to bake and create your
masterpiece, her (or his) experience, and potentially thousands of dollars and
countless hours in workshops, training courses, and conferences spent honing
her craft.
You are paying for her baking experience in using recipes that are tasty but
can stand up to being stacked and shaped, structural engineering of the support
systems (that need to be there whether your cake is pillared or not), artistry
in decorating, sculpting skills in creating a topper or flowers, expert
delivery and repairs of any mishaps that may happen along the way, and more.
A note about delivery: one of the most risky “cost-saving”
ideas I’ve seen is to decline to pay for your cake artist to deliver your cake.
She knows how to transport it safely and how to repair any minor damage that
may occur. If your cake is pillared, or more than 3 tiers high, delivery is
essential, but even for smaller cakes, it can be critical.
Your wedding cake may have included a tasting session, the creation of a
custom design (or modification of an existing one) that suits your needs and
taste. Your cake artist may also have the expenses of a storefront, a web site,
and various bridal shows to ensure you can find her!
Consider also that even the simplest wedding cakes usually take 6-10 hours
of time and that more elaborate or difficult designs can take hundreds of
hours, it’s a wonder that a wedding cake isn’t much more expensive. If it were
marked up in the same manner as a wedding gown or some of the other services
you purchase for your wedding, it would be!