Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Tempting Heart

Assalammualaikum w.b.t.

Salam ukhuwah.
 Hello World :D 
This is my first posting under Tempting Heart Blog. Frankly speaking ,I'm not a newbie in this blogging area, I used to write in my personal blog, but due to few circumstances I have to private it.Writing is my passion ,no wonder I took Journalism field in my tertiary education.  Writing and cooking ,two different things  but combination of both is such a good chemistry. When ever I stressed out with 'things' I often pour it through writing , and amazingly I found cooking works as well too.

My love and gratitude towards scrumptious tempting food endeavor me to learn more about cooking and of course baking! Looking back to the good old days, my late grandmother was the one who introduces me to the 'kitchen'. With first task as a vegetables n onion peeler, she then allowed me to cook even though I was just only 9 years old kid. And of course my mother; my pillar of strength that teaches me about baking, buying tonnes of magazines and recipe books. Though mingling with cream, butter, spatula and oven is a little bit diverse from what I've learnt in masscom and journalism school but some how I know it just runs in the blood.

Starting as a hobby and an option to unwind the stress,my best friend Ina suggest me 'why not turn it to a business?' As we both have the same interest and thought, later the TEMPTING HEART becomes our baby project.Tempting Heart is still new, like a new born baby. We just hope that Tempting Heart can endeavor all the adventurous challenge in  business field. Insya Allah..
My  mission is to provide a scrumptious cakes and cookies. Tempting Heart also here to give more options for Muslims who have doubts on the product that sold in commercialized bakery. As Muslims I am responsible and trustworthy in providing halal food to Muslim other. I am also sure with the ingredients that I used.

Tempting Heart merupakan bisnes cupcakes/cakes terbaru. 
Terciptanya Tempting Heart bukan sekadar bisnes sahaja, tetapi berdasarkan minat yang mendalam dalam bidang ini. 
Misi saya adalah untuk menghasilkan cupcakes/cakes yang mementingkan kebersihan, kesucian, dan juga disebatikan dengan keikhlasan. 

Selamat menjamu mata! 

Tempting Heart is the latest cupcakes/cakes business. 
Tempting Heart is not just a form of business alone, but it is a deep passion in making cakes. 
My mission is to concern about the cleanliness, purity and also compounded with sincerity in making cupcakes/cakes. 

Lo and behold!
Warm greetings.Assalammualaikum w.b.t.