There are tonnes of cupcake's recipe ..Tonnes of people selling theirs in the cyberspace. Tonnes of design and type. Mini ,small,medium,large..wot not. Tonnes of frosting's with mint,one with cream cheese, Yogurt, arghh...thats lot.
Every night before I hit my sack, without fail , I will surf all blogs,website-local or oversea. And every time I saw those pretty lil' eyes would blinking and shine..Hoping that one day I would make the same one. My mom would ask me "Didn't you get fed up ? It just the same thing. It's only a cake...yeah in a small size."
Being me, I always have something to talk I answered ,"Mom , it's not the same , Kalau mak tengok ,mak tahu la..macam-macam design ,bentuk,rasa tau ".
Okay I know she just concerned about me staying up late ,every night. Sampai dah ada mata panda :-s (okay esk kita sapu eye cream Dermalogica yer)
Till one day she sneaked up behind me whilst I surfed the net. "Owh apa tu, cupcake ker? Macam mana buat..cantiknya..ada ke org nak makan?Lagi-lagi mana gambar lagi..." hahahhaa tengok..baru tahu kan bertapa asyiknya tgk the sugar art.
Now, every each time , I make the batter ,and finished bake it. She will came down and said..'Wangi...sedapnye bau...boleh curi satu?" hehhee .Seriously teringat masa kecik-kecik dulu suke sangat pow kek dan biskut yg baru masak. Jilat lebihan bancuhan kek..Sibuk-sibuk dekat mixer ...kagum sungguh tgh adunan dalam mixer jadi corak2 macam bunga...
My mom is the next MASTERCHEF jury.. BETUL?Tak caye? Cayelah..sebabnya...everytime I tried a new recipe, she would threw her comments tanpa perlu disuruh... "Kenapa rasa lain, pakai butter apa?Kenapa pasang api atas dan bawah? ni banyak tepung tak cukup pukul nie..."
Isk T_T sampai satu hari tu...punyalah mak komen,"pasal ape butter cake ni tak sama dengan haritu? "
"Mak ,orang pakai butter SCS sama macam haritu..takde satu apa pun berubah"
"yeke,hmm maybe yang nak bagi kat orang tu rasa sedap kot..sbb nak bagi kat org"
" mesti masa mak makan tu mak lapar sangatkan...tu yang rasa sedap sangat-sangat!" jawabku..haha
Hmm..the only thing that make me cried yesterday...not because I'm angry to that canteen's tawkeh..But I feel sad..people always takes advantage to my mom..She is so soft..tak reti nak marah...sampai ada ketikanya ada staff2 bawahan buat tak entang(tak takut).Tu dari segi buat kerja rasmi. Now business..
Berulang kali cakap dekat mak..doing business ,kita kena tegas. Tak kira la itu ur bosses ,ur staff , ur siblings or even ur closed frens. Business is business .
Hmm...takleh nak hurai panjang..sebak...
Love you Mak..<3
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